
The SODC-2019 Proceeding Books are published!


Sustainability Outreach in Developing Countries

Series: Sustainability Outreach

Hardcover: XVI, 202

Copyright: 2021

Publisher: Springer Singapore

Language: English

ISBN Hardcover: 978-981-15-7178-7

ISBN eBook: 978-981-15-7179-4

Edition: 1

Topic: Development and Sustainability

Sustainability Outreach in Developing Countries

Edited by
Mir Sayed Shah Danish
Tomonobu Senjyu
Najib Rahman Sabory



Empowering Developing Nations and Sustainable Development
Case Studies and Synthesis

Series: Sustainability Outreach

Paperback: 240 pages

Published Date: July 9, 2020

Publisher: REPA – Research and Education Promotion Association

Language: English

ISBN-10: 4910361200

ISBN-13: 978-4910361208

Dimensions: 7.4 x 0.6 x 9.7 inches

Shipping Weight: 1.2 pounds

Empowering Developing Nations and Sustainable Development: Case Studies and Synthesis

Edited by
Dr. Mir Sayed Shah Danish
Mr. Hameedullah Zaheb
Mr. Najib Rahman Sabory
Dr. Tomonobu Senjyu
Mr. Mikaeel Ahmadi
Dr. Sayed Hashmat Sadat

Full paper submission is now open!



The SODC-2019 Academic Affairs Committee (Chaired by Dr. Ahmad Murtaza Ershad) is delighted to announce that submission of full conference paper is opened and the submission platform is ready to accept your submission for review and publication. The integrated submission platform handles three publication options (publishing with the Conference Proceeding, Springer, and IGI Global) through a single submission account/link by selecting appropriate publishing options at the time of submission. For further information, please take a look at the Submission Platform.







Publication of the conference series with the IGI Global is officially accepted

The conference Organizing Committees are pleased to announce the official acceptance of the SODC-2019 publication with a well-known publisher (IGI-Global).

We are getting ready …

Today, Nov. 14th of 2019, the Head of Collaboration Team, Mr. Hameedullah Zaheb, and the National Organizing Committee members (Mr. Fahim Momand, Dr. Halim, and Dr. Sadat) visited the main hall of the SODC-2019 conference (Chinese Language Department, KU) to make sure that all preparations and arrangements are on the place for the conference days.


Our volunteer team is getting ready to welcome participants!

On Nov. 13th of 2019, the Volunteer team of the SODC-2019 once again hold a meeting with the General Coordinator, Mr. Hameedullah Zaheb and the Co-chair of the National Organizing Committee, Dr.  Sayed Hashmat Sadat. In this meeting, the progress of the tasks assigned to the Volunteer team was reviewed by Mr. Zaheb and Dr. Sadat. For smoothly coordinating the tasks among the Volunteer team and other teams, necessary advises were given to them.

Furthermore, for encouraging and better coordination between team members and for the sake of better recognition of them by participants of the conference the specially designed T-shirts and hats were distributed for them.

At the end of the meeting, all members of the team showed their commitments for taking care of all the things during the conference.

Publication of the conference series with the Springer is officially contracted

We are enthusiastic to put forward with global standards. Our publication officially enters into a contract with Springer. 

Meeting of National Organizing Committee (NOC)

On 10/11/2019 the members of the National Organizing Committee had a meeting to confirm progress on activities and to maintain the conference momentum.

The general chair of NOC, Dr. Mohibullah Wali explained all final decisions regarding the conference, including how roles and responsibilities are divided. Head of Collaboration Committee, Assist. Prof. Hameedullah Zaheb said that all persons in charge are required to their roles where the conference programs are held. The co-chair of the NOC, Dr. Sayed Hashmat Sadat explained the recent achievements and he took responsibility to inspire the volunteer team for best performance and accomplishing everything on time. Assist. Prof Fahim Momand clearly defined the next steps, and he ensured that everyone has a stake in this conference and hopefully this conference will bring positive changes in terms of mutual relationships between academic institutions and different sectors.


The Conference Program has been announced

Visit the conference program page at: .//c-2019-program/

List of Accepted Abstracts is Released

List of Accepted Abstracts is released. We wish good luck to all presenters and participants and hope to have full of fun with academic achievements.

Link: .//list-of-accepted-abstracts/

Meeting with His Excellency Abdul Tawab Bala Karzai the Minister of Higher Education of Afghanistan

Meeting with His Excellency Abdul Tawab Bala Karzai the Minister of Higher Education of Afghanistan

On October 30th, the National Organizing Committee of the SODC-2019 international conference met His Excellency Abdul Tawab Bala Karzai minister of higher education of Afghanistan and Dr. Mohammad Wasim Iqbal Adviser to the minister to discuss the progresses and achievements that have been made so far and getting advice from H.E. the minister regarding the conference for the next steps to be taken.
In this meeting, Assistant Professor Hameedullah Zaheb (Chair of Collaboration Committee) explained the importance of this conference and its future possible opportunities in terms of standard research promotion in the country first. Then Dr. Sayed Hashmat Sadat (Co-chair of the National Organizing Committee) briefed the programs of the conference and the expected technical and financial supports for the conference.
Dr. Iqbal said that this conference is the first of its type that Afghanistan will experience and he urged the work of the team and especially of the academic and professional team of the Faculty of Engineering, Kabul University.
H.E. the minister offered his full support to the team for this conference from both his own side and the Ministry of Higher Education and asked the organizing team for sharing the conference documents with the relevant directorates in the ministry for getting all necessary supports and as well as the ministry will share these documents with other universities in the country in order to encourage them for taking such initiations in their own universities. Based on the H.E. the minister, Dr. Iqbal is recommended to extend his continues support to the organizing team.
Meanwhile, the SODC-2019 General Organizing Chair (Dr. Danish Mir Sayed Shah) expresses gladness and extents his gratefulness from the MOHE continued support and national organizing committee any possible efforts to turn opportunities to success.